In order to define a new filter, right-click on the project root and choose Add Filter from the context menu in the Filters panel.
You are asked to name the filter and you can also choose whether you want to Copy rules. The Copy rules option permits you to include by default all the existing rules and attributes in your filter (i.e. all the types will be visible in the projection). If the Copy rules check-box is unchecked, no objects shall be visible by default in your projection.
After having added a filter, it should appear in the Filters tree under the root object (or in a chosen folder). The filter is presented in a hierarchical form in the same manner as the rules: it is a tree containing all the existing rules. There are check-boxes next to the rules (concerning object types as well as attributes): these rules can be included in or excluded from the filter by checking and unchecking the check-boxes. Objects and attributes of the checked rules are visible in the treeview in question whereas those of unchecked ones are not shown. You can thus manipulate the check-boxes to include or to exclude the rules of your choosing.
If you left the Copy rules option checked when creating the filter, all the rules are checked by default. If this was not the case, all the rules are unchecked.
If you later add new rules to Rules after having already defined filters, the new rules appear unchecked in your filters.
Check Rules
There are several check rules that can help you to define your filter:
- Check All Rules: checks all the rules in the tree.
- Uncheck All Rules: checks all the rules in the tree.
To access the rules, right-click on the filter in Filters.
There are also several check rules that can be applied to the type hierarchy in a particular filter:
- Check Rule: check the chosen rule. (Only displayed if the rule is unchecked.)
- Check All of Same Type: check all the rules applied to the chosen type.
- Check Rule and All Subrules: check the rule and its subrules in the tree.
- Check All of Same Type and All Subrules: check all the rules of the chosen type as well as their subrules.
- Uncheck Rule: uncheck the chosen rule. (Only displayed if the rules is checked.)
- Unheck All of Same Type: uncheck all the rules applied to the chosen type.
- Uncheck Rule and All Subrules: uncheck rules and its subrules in the tree.
- Uncheck All of Same Type and All Subrules: uncheck all the rules of the chosen type as well as their subrules.
To access the rules, right-click on a type in the filter tree.
Check rules for attributes are named somewhat differently, they are:
- Check All Attributes (when on the Attributes node).
- Uncheck All Attributes (when on the Attributes node).
- Uncheck Attribute (when on a given attribute).
- Uncheck All of Same Type (when on a given attribute).
Filter Folders
It is also possible to create folders: the folders permit you to group several filters together. To create a folder, choose Add Folder from the right-click menu in Filters. You need to name the folder and afterwards you can drag-and-drop existing filters to it or create new filters in the folder by right-clicking on it and choosing Add Filter. The folder and filter names must be unique.
Folders are aimed at organizing the filters. They are ordered alphabetically in both the Filters panel and in the drop-down list of the Navigation Panel of the Home Category. However, while filters and folders are treated together in the Treeviews drop-down list, the folders are placed first and filters afterwards:
Filters can also be hidden in the projections list of the Navigation Panel of the Home Category by unchecking the Set Visible option in the right-click menu. For information on invisible filters, see Invisible Filters.
Internal Block Diagram Positions
When creating a new filter, the positions of objects in the Internal Block Diagram are defined automatically. This is why the diagram often seems illegible and must be organized manually to suit the user. The position definitions are a part of the projection and they will be duplicated when the filter is copied or when subfilters are created.