This tutorial is an introduction to
You will see how to edit a data model from scratch, define views, define operations on data using key features including:
- python scripting for developing ad hoc programs or displays
- model gateway, a powerful model transformation tool enabling easy import/export, e.g. with Excel(TM)
- introducing functional chains
- connecting to predefined diagrams, e.g. Message Sequence Charts
A key feature of
Last but not least, as you will see following this tutorial, you don't need to be a programmer or a computer scientist in order to use Designer. It's language is very closed to set theory and is rather intuitive. It does not require skills in computing and programming languages, except if you want to develop a python layer, but even then we believe it will not be complex to start writing simple functions.
Once your data model is defined, you benefit from all arKItect features for your data set:
- version management of whole database and at object level
- diversity management and related views displaying only objects of a variant
- navigation in hierarchical views
- generative views populated automatically when you import or edit data
- indicators of flow problems: consummed and not produced, double production...
- document generation
- reporting (adapted from off the shelf libraries)
- user administration: access rights to database and views
running script on the database or on a view.