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Some customization of arKItect is possible. The customization is effective for all projects on one computer. This means that the preferences will not be seen by other arKItect users.

You can access Preferences in the Main button(File) menu. This opens the Preferences window:

The Preferences window contains the following sections:

  • Object settings
    • Copy options from active variant on object creation: if checked, will automatically copy variant's options into object definition.
    • Show Objects Absent in Active Variant in Treeviews: If checked, in Treeviews will display objects absent in current variant in gray.
    • Show Inactive Objects in Relation Block Diagram: If checked, in RBD will automatically show all sibling objects not exchanging flows with the principal object.
    • Delete Rule: if checked, a confirmation dialog appears when the user tries to delete a type relation or a type attribute in Rules.
    • Delete Object: if checked, a confirmation dialog appears when the user tries to delete an object.
  • Logging
    • Log Level Defines level of events that are written into log (Log is written on each session and can be found at %arKItect%logs/arkiclient.log where %arKItect% arKItect installation folder).
      There are 6 level of logging:
      0 - Critical - only critical events are logged
      1 - Exception - caught exceptions (and events of upper level - 0) are logged
      2 - Error - errors (and events of upper levels - 0, 1) are logged (This level is set by default)
      3 - Warning - warnings (and events of upper levels - 0, 1, 2) are logged
      4 - Info - information messages (and events of upper levels - 0, 1, 2, 3) are logged
      5 - Debug - debug messages (and events of upper levels - 0, 1, 2, 4) are logged
  • Performance Settings
    • Enable Performance Logging: enables or disables the performance logging window which contains information about actions and time consumption (displayed in the Program Trace panel).
    • Use Antialiasing in Diagrams: determines whether anti-aliasing is used (this makes diagrams smoother, but somewhat slower).
    • Use Autolayouting in Diagrams: if checked, enables automatic objects positioning for newly created objects
  • Graph Settings
    • Activate Links auto redraw: automatically redraws links to follow the closest path when moving objects
    • Maximum Length of Displayed Labels: determines the maximum length of text in displayed labels.
    • Maximum Number of Displayed LInks in Labels: determines the maximum number of flow names displayed for the link (if empty, all flow names are shown)
    • Default Object Height: determines the default height of containers.
    • Horizontal Distance Between Objects: determines the default distance between objects.
    • Vertical Distance Between Objects: determines the default distance between objects.
    • Default Link Type: determines the default link type: curve, customizable line, orthogonal line or straight line.
    • Always Use Default Link Type: determines whether or not always use the default link type, even for flow types set to a different value.
    • Bidirectional Flow Link: determines the link type of bidirectional flows: they can be shown with two-side arrows or without arrows.
    • Grid Properties: clicking on Edit... opens the Grid Properties window seen below:

      From the Grid Properties window, you can edit the following options:
      • Page Bounds Visible
      • Grid Visible
      • Snap to Grid
      • Grid Color
      • Grid Spacing
        • Horizontal spacing in inches
        • Vertical spacing in inches

  • Outerflow Ports Settings
    • No Producers: the case where a flow has no producer.
      • Notation text field: defines the symbol for this anomaly, by default "?".
      • Is Visible check-box: defines whether the symbol is visible or not.
    • No Consumers: the case where a flow has no consumer.
      • Notation text field: defines the symbol for this anomaly, by default "?".
      • Is Visible check-box: defines whether the symbol is visible or not.
    • Multiple Producers: the case where a flow has several producers.
      • Notation text field: defines the symbol for this anomaly, by default "!!".
      • Is Visible check-box: defines whether the symbol is visible or not.


  • No labels