This page explains you how to organize objects in your Internal Block Diagram.
Note that the positions of the containers, links, labels, anchor points and ports are saved on the
There are 3 main possibilities to control the scale of displayed diagrams
- Design Panel of the Home Category
- Zoom Panel of the Diagram Category
- Zoom part of the Status bar
In addition, Zoom > can be accessed directly by a right-click on the Internal Block Diagram background (and not on an object). You can now access the following functionalities:
- Zoom Normal: sets a 1:1 zooming factor.
- Zoom Custom: allows the user to specify a desired zooming factor (a percentage).
- Zoom Percent: allows the user to select a zooming factor from a set of predefined factors (50%, 75%, 100%, 200%).
- Zoom to Fit: makes all displayed objects visible by applying the corresponding zooming factor.
It is also possible to zoom in and out by pressing the CTRL key and using the mouse wheel.
Full Screen Mode
It is also possible to visualize the Internal Block Diagram in full screen; to activate the full screen mode, use Full Screen Panel of the Diagram Category . You can deactivate the full screen mode through the floating toolbar appearing on screen.
The position of each graphical element is set by default by
You can use the Grouping → Group option (right-click on an object) to graphically group several objects together; this means that moving one object will move the other(s) correspondingly. You have to select at least two objects to make this feature available. In order to ungroup objects, use the Grouping → Ungroup option after selecting one or several of the concerned objects.
By default, the only containers shown in the Internal Block Diagram are the first-degree children of the focus object (see Navigation for more information). But sometimes you may want to see some second-level children at the same level. You can achieve this by double-clicking the Plus ([+]) symbol on an object (or alternatively, using the Expand feature in the right-click menu of an object). The reverse action is achieved by double-clicking the Minus([-]) symbol on the object (or alternatively by using Collapse feature in the right-click menu of the object) The expanded containers are always displayed as rounded rectangles.
Layout in Expanded
The layout algorithms can be applied to the content of an expanded container by right-clicking the container and choosing Layout in expanded. The vertical or horizontal layout will be chosen automatically depending on how much room is available in the expanded container.
Layout and Flows
To move the anchor point of a flow on a container, follow these steps:
- Select the flow with a click on the flow link.
- Select the anchor point on the container and drag and drop it to its new location. The cursor changes into a target shape and a green dot appears on the container border when the cursor is near a suitable position (as when using Link Components).
You can manipulate the positions of ports in the same manner as the positions on objects, namely with drag-and-drop. It is also possible to separate and to merge flow ports, the following limitations apply:
- Only flows with the same direction can be merged.
- Only flows of the same type can be merged.
- If the flows are marked with a question mark or a double exclamation mark, they can only be merged with other flows marked with similar warnings.
It is also possible the change the position of a flow's anchor point on a port; this is done simply by
- Activating the flow with a click on the flow link.
- Selecting the anchor point on the port and dragging and dropping it to a new location. The cursor changes into a target shape (as when using Link Components).
There is one anchor position on each side of a port.
Fix Flows
After a container has been moved, the links connecting two containers will probably remain badly oriented. By right-clicking a container and choosing Fix flows, they will be reoriented automatically. This algorithm only applies to the links connected directly or indirectly to the selected container.
Automatic Diagram Layout
In the Layout Panels of the Diagram Category, you can choose the following layout options:
- Auto Set Layout horizontally: this action organizes the current Internal Block Diagram view using a horizontal layout algorithm.
- Auto Set Layout vertically: this action organizes the current Internal Block Diagram view using a vertical layout algorithm.
- Horizontal tree: this action organizes the current Internal Block Diagram containers in a horizontal tree.
- Vertical tree: this action organizes the current Internal Block Diagram containers in a vertical tree.
- Align Outerflow Ports: this action organizes the positions of outflow ports.
- Reset Outerflow Ports: this action reunites separated outflow ports.
The last two options are also accessible from the Internal Block Diagram background.
Using Panels in the Diagram Category
There are several Panels in the Diagram Category that can help you organize the object positions:
Grid Options
To access Grid options, use Advanced Panel of the Diagram Category. You can now access the following functionalities:
- Show Grid: shows/hides a grid.
- Snap to Grid: snaps objects to grid. This button is active and unmodifiable if the Snap to Grid option has been set in the filter by an
arKItect Designer for the projection in question.
More grid options can be accessed via Preferences.