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Now we will model the functional architecture. To start, we have to show exchanges between our system and its environment.

We will now work in another treeview, so select the treeview "3.1. Define functional architecture".

In this view, you will find the objects you created before but you have now the possibility to draw flows. In our example, we will create two flows :


Flows have a direction in arKItect, be sure to draw them from producer to consumer!

To draw flows, click a port from producer object and on port from consumer object. Once you selected both, a window will open asking for the type of flow you want to draw.

In our example, you have two possible flow types, Data flow or physical flow. In our case, we will draw a physical flow, so choose the corresponding type.


As for objects, you will have the possibility to give a name to your flows.

With flows, your project should look like the following :


Now, we will model the functional architecture in our system. To enter the system, double click on it. You will see all objects under the system. In our case, you shall see only two flows.


To create a functional architecture, we have to create functions. As for other objects, use the palette to create two functions "Filter current" and "Adapt current". Then, we will place flows in functions, because those functions have external flows as inputs/outputs. Using the right-click,drag and drop the flow to the function. Choose option "move here". It will move the flow "220 V" to the function "Filter current" and move the flow "Adapted current" to the function "Adapt current".


Then, we create a third flow between our two functions. So, draw a flow between "Filter current" and "Adapt current" and call it "Filtered current". You will have following resulting functional architecture :




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