You will now apply what we learned before, completing the example project.
On this purpose, we will add a new enabling system in our project. Let's choose "User" (in view "3.1. Define functional architecture"). Do not forget to select the concerned working treeview.
Afterward, in the functional architecture view, add a data flow between "Phone Charger" and "User", and call it "Switched on LED indicating charge".
In the "Phone Charger" system, add a function "Switch on LED when charging" (in view "3.1. Define functional architecture"). Draw a flow (Data flow this time) between the functions "Adapt current" and our new function "Switch on LED when charging", and call it "Charging signal". Move your flow "Switched on LED indicating charge" into the function "Switch on LED when charging".
Finally, in the view showing functions allocations under components, create a new component "LED" (view "5.1. Allocate functions on components") and allocate the functions in. See pictures below of what you should see in your project.
To resume:
Because it's an important step in the systems engineering process, we will also define a requirement. In the concerned view ("2.1. Define system requirements"), add a requirement and call it "System shall inform the user when the phone is charging".
The next step is to allocate our requirement to the new function. Using the view "3.2. Allocate Reqs on functions and flows". You will be able to allocate it with the same way we did it for the functional allocation in the first steps sections.
In view "3.1. Define functional architecture":
- Add enabling system "User"
- Add a new data flow link (name it "Switched on LED indicating charge") between "Phone Charger" and "User"
- Move "Switched on LED indicating charge" into the function "Switch in LED when charging"
- Add a new data flow (name it "Charging signal") between "Adapt current" and "Switch on LED when charging"
In view "5.1.A. Show (wo flows) allocated fun and reqs":
- Compare your results with the pictures below.
In view "2.1. Define requirements":
- Add a requirement in our system called "System shall inform the user when the phone is charging"
In view "3.2. Allocate Reqs to functions and flows":
- Allocate the requirement "System shall inform the user when the phone is charging" to the function "Switch in LED when charging"
External functional view :
Internal functional view :
Allocation view :