Table of Contents
As indicated in the INCOSE System Engineering Handbook 2006, "the purpose of the Validation Process is to confirm that the realized system complies with the stakeholder requirements." The Validation Plan view of arKItect offers an interactive interface to create Validation Campaigns (VCs) and to ensure that all Requirements are fulfilled. To achieve this goal, the Validation Plan projection includes four sub-projections wherein we can progressively:
- Sub-projection "6.1. Define Validation Means":
- define Validation Means (VMs).
- Sub-projection "6.2. Define Tests":
- define Tests and allocate them to Requirements,
- allocate Validation Means to Tests.
- Sub-projection "6.2.1 Define Scenario":
- define Scenario
- allocate Test to Scenario
- allocate Test Step to Scenario
- baseline a Scenario
- Sub-projection "6.4. Define Validation Campaigns":
- define Validation Campaigns (VCs),
- put together Validation Means and DUTs in Validation Campaigns,
- define/generate Operations in VCs,
- insert the values of each Operation’s.
We explain this projection with an example called “LapTop”. Figure 1 shows the final result of the sub-projection 6.4. for this example.
The table below summarizes the Objects and parent-child relations allowed in each of the sub-projections.
Sub-projections | Objects created | Parent -> child relations |
6.1. Define Validation Means | Validation Mean (VM) | VM (-> VM ->…) |
6.2. Define Tests | Test | Requirement -> Test -> VM |
6.4. Define Validation Campaigns | Validation Campaign, Operation | (System -> ) VC -> DUT, VM, Operation |
Note: In sub-projection “6.4. Define Validation Campaigns”, other Objects (less often used) can be allocated to Tests: Observed signals and Stimuli signals (in which VP flows, Data and Physical flows can be allocated).
In the next sections, we explain the sub-projections of the projection 6 which allow to create the VP progressively. In each section, there are two parts that explain how to create the VP in two manners:
- In a graphical view called Internal Block Diagram (label “1” on the figure below),
- In a tabular view, via Project tools (label “2” on the figure below).
Figure 2: Main views of Validation Plan sub-projections